Sentence Helpers Trial Run!

This student used color coding to help form her sentences. 

This student chose to use the word "see" in each sentence 

So, I have been struggling with providing my students independent writing experiences since...well forever! I have such a variety of levels in my class but there are two students who are reading and are ready to start writing sentences. I have been working on these printable writing templates for a while and yesterday was the first day I tried them out with my students and I was sooo excited! I had not planned on color coding but when one of my students was picking her words we decided to circle the words for each sentence in the same color. It really helped her remember which words she would be using to complete her sentence. Once my students are trained in the use of these forms it is really going to help them in spelling, sentence structure, and vocabulary. I made sure the first box has all capital letters as those are the sentence starters and each word in the last box has a period. My plan to create a graduated system to that eventually as they become more proficient I will take those tools (reminders) away. I'll be working more on my sheets and if anyone is interested in trying some out just leave me your email and I will send a few samples! I love sharing ideas!

UPDATE: I have since made three sets of these and I absolutely love them! You can find them in my TPT store here.... Sentence Helpers


  1. I love your sentence helpers. I found your blog through The Bender Bunch special ed blog roll. I love finding new special education blogs and I'm your newest follower.

    1. Thanks Jacqueline! I am really enjoying this blog so far. As a special ed teacher it's nice to have a forum where we can all relate! :-)

  2. This is a great idea! I may borrow it ;)
    I am also a special education teacher and I found your blog through Bender's Bunch!
    It looks like you are off to a great start! Welcome to the "club." Stop by and check out my blog @

    PS I'm going to add your button to my special ed. blog page! Thanks!

  3. Hello Kim! Thanks! I'm headed to check our your blog. :-)


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